5 Easy Ways to Store Your Shoes

shoe party

Clockwise: Gray Suede Boots-old (similar), Captoe Slingbacks, Velvet Bow Mules, Blush Adidas Shoes, Zara Silver Heel Mules-sold out (similar), Manolo Blahnik Black Lace Kitten Heels  (similar)

Official #shoeaddict over here!

Once upon a time, there was a girl who bought ill fitting cheap shoes and still had them from college. She had not purchased new shoes in years because she just thought they were just “shoes”. I mean she had mules from 20 years ago!! Luckily, they are back in style but I assure you she was made fun of thoroughly. This girl decided 3 years ago that she needed to change her ways. No more faux leather, no more cheap shoes that don’t really fit. No more I’ll make this work. No more it’s only $10. She purged all of her shoes that she did not love and fit (and made her feet sweat-haha) and started buying higher quality shoes. She returned the ones that did not fit. She passed over the temptation to buy shoes that were “faux” or on “sale”and saved up to buy real leather and the ones she loved.  And she lived happily ever after with her shoes. The End!

Well, not really. Haha. Now that I’ve acquired a pretty good shoe collection, I am all about organizing them in a way where I can see them all! There is only so much space so my rule: 1 in / 1 out if we are maxing out of space. I’m sharing five ways to store those shoes ( and not JUST in your closet either! ). Let’s go!



  1. Keep Them Off The Floor- When it comes to storing shoes, your first instinct may be to chuck them on the floor of your closet. This is the wrong instinct. It makes your shoes harder to find when everything is flopped over each other in a big space. They’re also more likely to get beat up when you’re constantly moving pairs aside in search for your favorite flip flops. If you insist on sticking with the floor plan, though, implement some basic shoe organization by lining them up in a row.

  2. Sort Them Into Shoe Categories- Divide your shoes into 2 categories; ones you wear all the time and ones you wear on special occasion. If you’re always in a hurry like myself, keep the ones that you wear all the time easy to access so you can grab them and go. The ones you may wear here and there put higher up on the shelf.

    shoe storageImage: Pinterest

3. Clear Boxes With Lids- I used to put all my shoes in one big tub. Well you can imagine how big that tub was and stuffing everything into it made it near impossible to grab what I needed! If you’re using shoe storage bins or boxes, try getting see- through options or ones with clear slots. Do you want to reuse some of your shoeboxes that you have? Take a picture of the shoes and stick it on the outside of the box so it’s easy to find what you’re looking for!

ikea shoe bookcase

Image: Pinterest

4. Get a Bookcase from Ikea- This is a simple way to store your shoes while keeping it minimal. This simulates a custom closet without the high price tag.

custom closet

Image: Pinterest


5. Custom Closets-I swoon over custom closets and dreaming of one day making my walkin closet look like a retail store-teehee so I can “shop” my own collection of wonderfully displayed shoes sitting on a cute pink velvet ottoman. I love marble and solid surfaces and incorporating them into a custom closet is essential for that upscale look.

With so many more options and choices to store your shoes, I can’t wait to hear what you come up with! You could have a huge walk in closet with long white marble shelves to display those works of art that you wear on your feet, or just a small studio apartment in the city and needing some quick and fast tips to keep yourself from tripping over all those shoes. I hope these tips helped you think of some ideas of your own too. What are some ways you are going to organize all your boots, sandals, sneakers and heels?

xxoo, Chau