Happy Thanksgiving and BF Sales


Cozy Sweater-only $28 (comes in 3 colors)| Suede Boots | Perfect Jeans

Photos by the lovely Jen Baggett Photography

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! There is so much to be thankful for this year! Luckily we all have been healthy and my kids (7 and soon to be 5 years old) are just growing up so fast!  With a hectic household of school, homework, kids sports, meal planning dinners, birthday parties galore, running a business, spending time with friends and family,  and attempting to exercise-haha, my hubby and I want to do more date nights to keep us connected. And we want more vacations together as a family whether it be a quick weekend trip, staycations, or week long trips during the kids breaks. Time goes by quickly and we want to spend it together.

I am also super thankful for my #instagramhusband although he prefers not to be posted online and hates taking photos. He doesn’t even have FB and deleted his Linkedin-lol. DH is the most supportive, down to earth, making it real, most loving person ever! I am probably pretty much insane and cray cray with everything I do or think, but he’s there every step of the way and the best Daddy to our kids ever! Love my little family!

I am an entrepreneur and my design firm will be celebrating five years in 2018, which most don’t even last 2 years! And I am super thankful for that as it gives me the freedom and flexibility to do what I love. I have been thinking lately now that my business is settling in, of putting aside more time to be with the kiddos on a daily basis.  Time flies and they will be teens (I can’t even fathom that) and won’t want to cuddle or even be near me anymore -you teen Moms understand 🙂

Also I have been carving out this little space as my creative fashion outlet for 2 years but recently made the move to this new site. I am loving the layout and format and hope you like it too!














I am obsessed with this cozy sweater as the drape is perfect! Comes in 3 colors and one size fits all!  It looks very similar to Free People and only $28! I typically wear a small and there is lots of room! And these boots are seriously one of my faves of all time!

Other great Shein picks and includes free shipping!




It’s Black Friday shopping time and here are a round up of all my other fave deals/stores:

Jcrew-40% off everything, use code THANKU

Madewell- 25% off everything, use code DONTSTRESS

Jcrew Factory-50% off everything, no code needed

Gap- 50% off, use code BLKFRIDAY

Old Navy-50%, no code needed

DSW-20 %, code BLACKFRI20

Shoes of Prey-20% off custom black shoes, code BLACK20-hint: you can add a sliver of black in your insole to count if you don’t want black shoes 😉

For you Lux Bag Lovers:

Fashionphile-preloved bags, 10% off, use code BF10 for certain designers

Real, Real-preloved designer shoes and bags, 20% off, use code REAL

Yoogi’s Closet-preloved designer bags, 15% off, use code BLACKFRIDAY7

Samorga-Custom Bag Organizers-20% (these are the best organizers for lux bags including LV Speedy/NF), code BF20

Have the happiest Thanksgiving and let’s feast til our bellies are full, nap it all off, then shop in our PJs!


This post brought to you by Shein. All opinions are my own